I started shooting some slide film this past weekend, which I am planning on cross-processing. I’m finding myself to be a bit more selective in the photos I’m taking, which is a good thing as I’m traditionally a “spur of the moment” shooter and have a hard time with thinking through my shots. The only downside is that it’s going to take me a few weeks to finish off 36 exposures.
It had been some time since I last loaded a roll of film, something I promised I would try to keep up with. Before my DSLR, I was shooting a roll of film every week or two, but now, I have only shot a couple rolls over the past few months. I’m now planning on sending my N80 out for a CLA, and hopefully getting back into using it for a while. I miss shooting B&W in film, and digital B&W just doesn’t feel the same to me. Hopefully this will be the push I need to get me to shoot off all the film that’s been cooling in the fridge for the past year or so, we’ll see.
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