The Capitol Building, Washington, DC.
Another photo taken through the plastic eye of the Vivitar Ultra-Wide and Slim.
On the hill
I’m not entirely certain about this, but I believe this is an anchor point for pulling cannons in order to aim them? It was taken at Fort Taber in New Bedford, Massachusetts, which was an active fort beginning sometime around the mid 1800’s.
Cross processed Fujichrome Sensia 100 in C41.
Postcards from the past
I had a project planned some time ago, one that I have been thinking of picking back up while the weather and season are still in my favor. This might also tie in well with trying to get myself to use film more often.
The idea was to re-take photos of landmarks in the area (between Providence and Cape Cod) that were depicted in old postcards, a sort of “then and now” if you will. Some of the landmarks are/were historical ones, dating back to the 1700s, while others were roadside attractions (seen above) that businesses and towns used to draw in the Cape Cod bound travelers (and their money) as they were passing through on the old US Route 6, which was the only route to Cape Cod from all points West until the late 60s. There’s a good mix of history and attractions, and I have a decent amount of postcards or scans of postcards to get me started, I just dropped the ball at some point and never got going again.
Now, with new developements, strip malls, and bix-box stores showing up, some of the landmarks are disappearing. I am trying to motivate and restart the project again, but I think I need to work on the subject matter a bit, whether it be the historical (pre-1950’s) or the modern historical (roadside/landmarks) subjects. I’m not sure if there’s enough of the latter remaining, I guess I should start digging in and looking into it a bit more.
A lookout tower built to watch for German Submarines during World War II, one of many that can be found along the New England coast. This one is in Westport, Massachusetts and there are 3 or 4 others in the next few towns over. The towers were once accessible, but years of vandalism have forced them to be locked down, the doors reinforced, and in some cases cemented over permanently.
Still digging through some old film photos and really thinking about getting in a shoot or photowalk using black and white film. I like the whole look and feel of b&w, and do have a few rolls in the fridge that need to come out of hiding…maybe this weekend.
Bay Fog
I’ve been going through some of my old film and slide scans, trying to find some inspiration. Looking back, I see and feel that I spent a lot more time and effort with film photos than I do with digital. I know digital allows us to make mistakes and correct them on spot, but also allows us to be lazy, to increase our odds of getting the photo we’d like by shooting more at no added cost, but I’m not sure how much I like that. To me it’s a bit more rewarding to visualize a photo, attempt to take it, and either be rewarded with success, or to learn from my mistakes and try again with past lesson learned. But then again, I’ve use my DSLR 98% of the last two years, so who am I to complain?
I can still see a strong argument for film, both for it’s look and feel as well as the amount of effort that goes into a photo. I really am going to try and push myself to shoot a few rolls ofer the next few weeks, just to remind myself where I started and that it’s still there for me to shoot. I’ve also been contemplating the “$50 Film Camera Project” over on Epic Edits, maybe that will be the motivation I need to get me going. I will post a followup here if that happens to be the case.