There’s something about it and all it’s little reflections that makes it fun to photograph, but also makes it very difficult to photograph sometimes.
57 Shoot
I got to do a small shoot for (hopefully) a local publication that includes antique cars from the area. I was hoping to shoot in the late afternoon for the low sunlight effect, but had to work with the early morning sunrise instead. It went pretty well for what little time I had to get the shoot done. It’s tough finding decent locations to shoot around here, that was the only downfall.
Showing Cars
Shot at a local car show. I chalk this one up as a learning experience, as I hadn’t attempted to shoot cars in this manner until now. I made quite a few mistakes, biggest being my lens selection that I brought along with me (Sigma 17-35mm 2.8). While it was good to have the wide angle for full shots, there just wasn’t enough zoom for good close-ups. Next time I’ll still bring this lens along, but also a zoom-macro to cover the details. A few other issues, dealing with reflections and high-noon sunlight, were easy to work around. Sometimes just a step back would cure it, or taking a walk and coming back in 15 minutes was enough to get the sun out of the way. All in all, it was a good experience, though I could have spent more time on individual subjects. I am hoping to get to one more cruise before the season is completely over and try my luck again.